POTCO Players Wiki
Screenshot 2010-10-16 11-33-58

These were the Big 3 members

Not much is known except

  • It was made to protect Duchess of Anemosis
  • It was a "Branch" of her Army in some battles
  • It was Led by Commissioner Captain Jim Logan
  • And it was disbanded due to most of its members were "absorbed" into her private force
  • In Late October - Early November 1721(2010) the French Secret Service was "reactivated" to help combat Lord Leon


Captain Jim Logan - Leader

Charles Raidmalley

Ben Goldfury

Matthew Daggermeance - HEAD BODYGUARD

Assassin-Trusted bodyguard of Duchess

20 other members

If you want to be a member put your name here and I will approve ye.

Charles Swordeagle

Matthew O'malley John Level 34

Former Members:

  • Jack Swordmenace: Personal Bodyguard to Duchess, Former Grand Duke of Paris (Appointed), resigned (from both) upon formation of the 5th Brethren Court.......

~ Jack Swordmenace, King of the 5th Brethren Court

Other info

The HQ of the newly revived French Secret Service will be at L'asile
